The first two issues |
Each issue was a Futurescope of Wonder.
But reality was not present in its DNA. Now
Andrew Darlington retrospects the history of
Britain’s ‘AUTHENTIC SF’ magazine of the 1950’s,
with the help of former editor E.C. Tubb, plus
readers, and fans. It’s a wild wild trip…!
‘authentic’ adj (1) accurate in representation
of the
facts, trustworthy, reliable’
(Collins English Dictionary 21st Century Edition)
Experience the city centre newsagent now. It is characterised by immobile rows of digital-nerds, often speccy, greasy of hair and acne’d of visage, silently besieging the PC-journal racks, eager for free-access to the latest byte-size bulletins from cyberspace and computer game-ology. Silently determined to sneak-grab advance-glimpses into tomorrow’s net-head online innovations. It must have been something like that in 1952 for readers of
‘Authentic SF’. I don’t know for sure. I wasn’t there. But inhaling the correspondence in the letters columns it’s easy to detect the same adrenaline-buzz of breathless male obsessiveness. Here lie ideas that fill you with the kind of awe that takes you to the edge of delicious panic. On every page the future leaps out at you shouting
Of course – back then in the early years of the fifties, SF magazines weren’t as readily accessible as today’s computer journals. You had to know where to go to find them. You had to know which sleazoid back-street book-shops deigned to stock them. But such is the level of intrigue that it only adds to the exclusivity of the SF-reader’s virtual camaraderie. And to its devotees,
‘Authentic SF’ was ‘ALL SYSTEMS
GO!’... until, eighty-five issues later, all systems stopped. This is the way that worlds once turned. When spaceships flew on chutzpah and testosterone. Beneath a precise illumination of strangely shining moons.
'Science Fiction Fortnightly no.5' |
‘Is another world watching us?’ asks the blurb on the debut issue, ‘but even if they’re not, we are watching other worlds... Mars, Saturn... other planets. Writers with imagination are picturing them for us; and the best... the most imaginative... have been commissioned to write for the
‘Authentic Science Fiction’ series... that label is your guarantee of a first-rate story.’ I came along slightly later, but I was also a boy with rockets in my head. I also bought a return ticket to Sirius for each bus-ride I took, and part of me never came back. SF readers – it seemed at the time, were an advance specimen of a new post-human hyper-terrestrial being. The big hit record of the day was Doris Day’s “Whatever Will Be Will Be” which entered the chart in June 1956 and peaked at no.1 while these issues were being eagerly devoured. Her song informs us ‘the future’s not ours to see...’. The readers, and writers of
‘Authentic’ beg to disagree. They emphatically believe otherwise.
We believed in progress. How could we not?
‘Authentic’ lasted for precisely eighty-five issues, spaced from January 1951 to October 1957, each one masquerading as a futurescope of wonder. Sure, that first-issue boast that ‘no story will be admitted to the series unless it is imaginative and yet coupled with a sound scientific basis’ must be open to a rigorous investigation. Boredom might have been excluded from its genetic make-up, but reality was not
entirely present in its DNA helix either. Yet turning each new page must have been like a new encounter with a hip hard-wired Nostrodamus on a spaced-out Zen moment of peak experience. Computer nerds now probably feels much the same way.
‘Authentic’ – like most good things in life, appeared largely by accident. With publisher Hamilton initially projecting a low-cost basement-prestige run of stand-alone pocketbook novels. But soft – such pulps are essentially unconnected impulse purchases, dependent on eye-catching covers coinciding with the right pocketful of disposable cash. But strip a series title and a numbering sequence and you add the collectability element, enhanced by the completist angle – you don’t want gaps on your shelf. So the magazine begins as just that. A fortnightly series of cheapo novels strung together on the marketing illusion of magazine-hood published with uncredited and largely simplistic cover-art (as
‘Authentic Science Fiction Series’ then
‘Science Fiction Fortnightly’) up to no.8, and then on a regular monthly schedule as
‘Authentic Science Fiction Monthly’, each of the first twenty-eight issues initially containing primarily just one ‘novel’.
‘Yes, the early ones were all novels in their own right, 36-thousand words long’ recalls cult-novelist EC Tubb now, ‘that figure was engraved on the heart, because the way you wrote them, you wrote one chapter a day – each chapter twelve pages long. In twelve days you have a book! – I think that adds up (mental calculation)… yes it does.
‘Authentic’ yes – the first one was “Mushroom Men From Mars”...’ described by Peter Nicholls (in
‘The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction’) as ‘British pulp at its most infantile’.
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George Hay cover-story for 'Science Fiction Monthly no.10' |
Other early fiction reader-hits include a series of adventures centred around a spaceship called ‘Old Growler’, which began as early as
‘Authentic no.2’ with “Reconnoitre Krellig II”. The year is AD3742, and Inter-X Spaceship 2213/3/8 – renamed by her ‘irreverent crew because of a peculiar noise from her gravity retrators’ reaches a planet with no red in its spectrum (evidence of writer HJ Campbell’s ‘quirky science’?). Inhabited by tortoise-like (Tortoids?) Shakkies, the crew discover a civilisation constructed of concentrated yellow-blue light, apocalyptically destroyed by the violent intervention of red light admitted by the cyclic intervention of an eccentrically-orbiting asteroid, ‘dissolving the great buildings into immense columns of light’. It’s tempting to gauge the literary level of the ‘Old Growler’ adventures by the fact that they continue in a red-tinted picture-strip story in the juvenile one-off
‘Authentic Book Of Space’ in 1954. Although the crew – young Hartnell, a mere 122 years old, Tubby Goss, and narrator Pop, return to take a last nostalgic bow in no.85, the magazine’s final issue.
While a parallel second story-cycle features Roy Sheldon’s popular spacers ‘Shiny Spear & Dirk Manners’. In “Star Of Death” their encounter with the intelligent dinosaurian capitalists of Centaurus Kappa leaves – apparently, ‘little doubt that this is just the kind of thing that will happen in the remote future’ according to the editorial comment. While in “Plastic Peril” they reach an inhospitably bleak planet of the Algol system where giant monoliths turn out to consist of sentient stone attacked by a species of rock-eating parasites who excrete a plastic waste. Essentially comic-strip stuff, it offers a simple uncomplicated morality, ‘if survival meant killing, then you kill’. And they do, on a planetary scale. Later, EC Tubb’s ‘Dusty Dribble’ stories (commencing in no.61 with “One Every Minute”) will complete ‘Authentic’s first trinity of ongoing successes.
SF historian Mike Ashley confesses to me ‘I never really
liked ‘Authentic’. It was a squidgy magazine, difficult to read, and it struck me as raw. It lacked any polish or finesse. It had some good covers, but nothing inside them’. And as if to confirm that opinion, when writing his excellent
‘History Of The Science Fiction Magazine’, he hands over commentary about the magazine to another authority – Philip Harbottle. He tells how LG Holmes was the first editor until November 1952, followed by HJ (Herbert) Campbell until January 1956. According to legend Campbell had – at one time, been approached by Hulton Publishers to edit a SF companion title in the wake of their hugely successful launch of
‘Eagle’. But inexplicably the project then mutated into the non-Campbell and decidedly non-SF
‘Girl’ picture weekly!
Campbell’s bio-file in the spin-off ‘annual’
‘...Book Of Space’ understandably mentions nothing of this. Instead it relates how HJ was born in 1925, ‘spent ten years as a research scientist working on the chemotherapy of tuberculosis, human embryology and biochemistry applied to the cause and cure of cancer...’ and while ‘still retaining his former contacts, Mr Campbell draws upon his friends in hospitals, university departments, the Harwell Atomic Energy Establishment, and research institutions for ideas of ‘quirky’ science to incorporate in his stories’. Campbell – illustrated as a kind of Medieval wood-cut Galileo at the masthead of his editorial page, is dark-bearded, and a frequenter of the ‘White Horse Tavern’ where
‘New Worlds’ editor and friend John Carnell and other luminaries of the day could be found.
But whereas today’s SF magazine editors tend to stress their literary credentials, for readers of
‘Authentic’ it was apparently Campbell’s scientific ‘authenticity’ that was his greatest asset. His regime was pro-active, he contributes fiction too, and is disguised behind the Jon J Deegan house-name responsible for the ‘Old Growler’ tales. Capable of a playfully imaginative prose-style he could be contentious, writing in the second person plural he casts the reader directly as the protagonist, or ‘he spoils it by using ‘you did this’ and ‘you did that’ – personally, it bores me’ as reader R Prior of Bognor Regis complains about “The Last Mutation” (no.11). Undeterred, he goes on to adopt the same lit-technique for “The Moon Is Heaven” (no.16).
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'Authentic Science Fiction no.21' |
With increased pagination – to 144-pages-plus-covers from no.29, plus front side-bars advertising the full range of interior contents,
‘Authentic’ begins to appear more a magazine and less a sequence of disguised books. There’s also an increase in ‘Departments’. And although the central ‘novel’ concept continues – it embraces markedly more ambitious work with American contributions from AE Van Vogt as well as British stalwarts like William F Temple (whose impressive “Man In A Maze” in no.54 depicts a scientist discovering himself to be the subject of another’s bizarre experiment!). Simultaneously the more Comic-Book Space Opera extravagances were shunted off into the parallel Panther SF Book series which used Jon J Deegan (
‘Antro, The Life-Giver’), Rick Conroy (
‘Mission From Mars’), a clutch of Bryan Berry, HK (Ken) Bulmer and Campbell himself. While for “Asleep In Armageddon” (in no.33) no less a star writer than Ray Bradbury portrays a marooned astronaut, his head besieged by the hungry ghosts of dead armies on a haunted planetoid. There’s also long-time SF Hugo-award winning fan writer-publisher Harry Warner Jnr, and E Everett Evans. However, some of
‘Authentic’s later claim to academic legitimacy is based around its perceptive inclusion of Texan Charles L Harness’ “The Rose” with its art-pretentious ballet and classical music references. Unable to find an American market for this ambitious dialogue of science versus art, and death as a transcendental metaphor, Harness accepted Campbell’s offer to run it as the feature novel for no.29. It became a work that Michael Moorcock would later champion as a lost classic, agitating for its republication, while a critic as strictly demanding as Brian Aldiss welcomed its 1960’s rediscovery (in
‘New Worlds’ no.162, page 102).
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'Authentic Science Fiction Monthly no.31' ("The Rose") & no.32 |
But, of greater importance than introducing readers to new American fiction,
‘Authentic’ was deliberately creating avenues for new British writers to reach audiences. And if these writers now tend to be unfairly neglected, and even maligned by those who came after, then this is to distort the importance of their role in developing and sustaining a domestic SF industry. ‘
‘Authentic’ is trying to build up a subdivision of the science fiction genre’ editorialises Campbell. ‘
British science fiction. This is not in any sense a jaded nationalist tendency. We simply want to see more science fiction written by British authors in the British manner. The number of British science fiction authors is pitifully few. We aim to change all that’.
‘Authentic’s sternest critic (although that might have something to do with the fact that they initially ‘refused every story I offered them’!) Brian Aldiss praises Charles Eric Maine’s “Highway” – ‘the idea of a man riding into the future on an ordinary push-bike’, as ‘both charming and memorable. But then – it was skilfully written.’ Less so is Maine’s subsequent “The Trouble With Mars” (no.59). Here, a dubious plot device, a Morse-telegraphy message from the Mars colony requesting ‘iron mules’ (‘Fe’-Mules) is mistranslated so that two-hundred ‘females’ arrive – to initial disapproval (‘this is a man’s world’ said Caird scathingly, ‘we don’t need you and your kind’!). The women gain eventual grudging respect. But in Maines’ favour, his Mars is accurately arid and hostile, with its colonisation as much imperilled by prescient treasury restrictions as the real-life NASA programme would be.
Hidden away in those issues there are also early career-sales for some future mid-profile UK novelists. Edmund Cooper, with a mystic ghost-cum-time-travel tale. And writer-guitarist Dan Morgan beginning with “Cleansing Fires”, a chilling manipulation of ‘schizoids with Messiah complexes’ to seed undeveloped worlds with civilising mystico-religious cults. He goes on to contribute “The Lesser Breed” (no.54) which is essentially a generation-ship variation witnessed from the point of view of a far-future galactic civilisation. The original human crew have become sterile and die off, leaving the self-replicating android complement to survive and thrive. Until it is
their disbelieving descendents who eventually find the dead Earth of their myth-history and dismiss it is an unreliable folk-tale. There’s also the unique “The Earth Never Sets”, in which the first Lunar colony is
British – ‘the newest and proudest outpost of the British Empire’! Morgan would later collaborate on a ‘Space Corp’ novel-series with another prolific
‘Authentic’ protégé, John Kippax (John Charles Hynam 1915-1974).
Another innovatory
‘Authentic’ star is Ken Bulmer, who simultaneously contributes tales under the guise of ‘H Philip Stratford’. In his “It Takes Two” Jarril, a militarily-indoctrinated Terran Space Guardsman, is stranded on a desert-world during a Galactic war against the Sokkaths, only to discover a disturbing lost colony deliberately free of competitive ‘ulcer culture’, and instead adapted to ‘commind’ communality. ‘It Takes Two’ to war, and they have opted out. Bulmer also specialises in playful fantasy, as “The Day Of The Monster” (no.59) with its amusing body-switch story-line. The prolific Sydney J. Bounds – still writing and publishing material into the 2000’s, adds the first serial to the mix – beginning in no.26, and then contributing a clever sixteen-page mini-epic set in the future 1973 when a first-men-in-space rocket-ship contravenes a ‘warping of the continuum’ that bounces their ship back through time. Space travel, they discover to their cost, is impossible.
JT McIntosh would later provide two-part serials – “The Big Hop”, in which the vaguely racy crew of a Generation Ship travel for twenty-three years only to discover that the subsequently-formulated HS-Technology has already allowed an Earth colony to be established on their Hayter/Laertis-Four target-world by the time they arrive. While numerous one-off gems continue to be hidden in the magazine’s contents-table. Katherine Marcuse’s wry sexual observation in “The Holiday” (no.55) where her dream fulfilment is the perfect lover she forsakes for her husband, contrasts with that husband’s dream-fulfilment where he finds success, without her.
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EC Tubb cover-story for no.49 |
But few are more ubiquitous or as well-crafted as EC Tubb, either under his own name, or a storm of pseudonyms – ‘Eric Wilding’, ‘Alan Innes’, ‘Carl Moulton’, ‘Julian Carey’ (with a tale of mischievous invisible aliens), ‘George Holt’ (with a black-humorous brain-transplant involving a malevolent Great Dane and the janitor at the Cybernetics Institute), and even ‘Alice Beecham’. From the slow claustrophobic radiation-death of his starkly realistic “Death Deferred” set in a post-nuclear bunker, to “Logic” (lead story in no.49) which inventively circumvents Asimov’s Robotic Three Laws by instilling a sense of moral right and wrong as a program to discipline aberrant behaviour in Artificial Intelligences, explaining that ‘religion, like anything else, could be a useful tool.’ Through to his “Hidden Treasures Of Kalin”, a grimly visionary action-fable set in medieval future-squalor where the worth of a hoarded Library of misunderstood technical books is judged, and ultimately found to be less valuable than weaponry in their survival struggle. Both points of view are equally well argued. That of ‘Reader’ who defends a repository of threatened knowledge he is unable to understand, and the demands of a society in which each person must actively contribute. Elsewhere, Tubb’s “Star Haven” is both a conventional ‘what-happened-to-the-Terran-colony’ mystery, while also doubling as a skilful deconstructive erosion of the military mindset.
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Contents Page for 'Authentic no.52' |
‘It may well be that the first man to land on the Moon
is at this moment a schoolboy, just awakening to
challenge and mystery of space’
(‘Wanted: Men For Space’ ‘Authentic no.55’)
Inevitably, when Campbell more or less retired from SF, returning to his scientific pursuits, it was Tubb who became the logical choice to assume his position, continuing and fine-tuning the magazine’s contents. Although his attempts were not always appreciated, ‘when I took it over from Bert, and I was editing
‘Authentic’, I had trouble with people giving me wrong word-lengths when they sent stuff in. Stories were TOO long. And that made it hard to fit them in, so I had to cut their stuff down – and that’s when you learn that when you alter an author’s precious prose – you make an enemy! Unless he’s a professional himself and he’s blasé about it. And I always remember (not getting into personalities), there was this chap who wrote a story I liked, and I sent it back to him saying ‘I like this story but it’s way too long, could you re-write it down to (just say) 3,000’. So back it came – still no good, still too long. And I thought this can keep going for ever. His story was a good story. There was nothing wrong with it. It was just that it was too long to fit. So I had to do something – either send it back
again, or do what I thought was best, edit it myself. After all, I was the EDITOR! So ‘I’ll just do it for him’, and I only took out
padding. Sold your story, George. Lovely. He’s never spoken to me since. That was it. So I said to someone ‘what’s wrong with him?’ and they said ‘you altered his stuff’. And I said ‘yes, but I got him
published, you know – so what the hell!’ (laughter). ‘No, you altered his stuff’ (in deep menacing voice)! But I still don’t know why he got annoyed, God! It was – it was an odd incident, that…’
‘Authentic’s rates of pay – £1 per thousand words, were low, even for the time. And hence unable to appeal entirely to its contributors’ mercenary instincts, it relied instead on their industry, fiercely partisan enthusiasm and shared dedication. They seldom failed. And it is because of this that the magazine sold well, some issues even reaching American outlets. And during Campbell’s tenure the magazine improved considerably, adding numerous articles, as well as a short-lived glossy ‘art supplement’ which soon lost its gloss, reverting to pulp in a trade-of for increased pagination – up to 160 pages, and a price-hike to two shillings by no.60. Tubb promptly phased many features out to present a more solid fiction magazine.
By the time
‘Authentic’ was abruptly brought to an end, with Hamilton reverting to the original idea of a series of stand-alone novels under their new, and subsequently highly successful ‘Panther’ imprint, it had stacked up an impressive total. For decades – until
‘Interzone’ exceeded it in the 1990’s, that was enough to qualify it as second only to
‘New Worlds’ as the longest-running UK SF magazine ever.
After a poor start with the very early issues, many fine covers followed by Davis, J.E. Mortimer and others, featuring space flight and astronomy. Forrest J. Ackerman’s back-page photo-realistic stills ‘Dream Of The Stars’ giving way – by no.35, to an ambitious ‘From Earth To The Stars’ series of themed front-cover art. See these covers, and you know with absolute conviction that what you are seeing is the future. A fictionalised future, subject to micro-reality-adjustments and running within a set of acceptable variables, but nevertheless a workable blueprint of the tomorrows that we’d all be living in. Soon. Just around the time-bend. Wasn’t the editor telling you as much? ‘it is not a fantastic story, everything is within the bounds of credibility, and scientifically accurate, as we know things today.’
Now SF makes no such claim to be predictive. Even such ‘hard science’ projects as Kim Stanley Robinson’s
‘Red/Blue/Green Mars’ terraformation trilogy merely offers a feasible scenario, with none of the certainty of its imminent – let alone inevitable, realisation in reality. With SF shunted off into a subdivision of leisure consumerism where it provides a plunderable concept-bank of exploitable images for SFX entertainment, it will probably never again be possible to feel that same sense of certainty. Although – for digital-nerds, often speccy, greasy of hair and acne’d of visage, Duncan Lamont’s “Production Job” (no.73) seems to provide a sneak-grab advance-glimpse into today’s net-head online innovations by not only predicting computer-linkage in a crude proto-internet, but even calling it a ‘matrix’.
But back in that strange lost 1950’s world, SF seemed to provide
AUTHENTIC glimpses into tomorrow. So it is with a strange sense of poignancy that Sidney J Bounds – one of a generation of British writers who did so much to shape the future-dreams of
‘Authentic’-readers, asks in a September 2001 correspondence ‘can anyone believe now that space colonies are ever likely to happen…?’
Well – yes, actually, I still do…
‘Down with the pessimists! The world of the future will be a gay,
place, where the spirit of the people will match the speed
of the age; where hearts
will be light and leisure and pleasure as
fast and sure as the planes. Work will be
what you want to do.
Drudgery will be performed by machines. There will be color
and music and a fine rare mood of content. All hail to the future!’
(‘Scenes From The Future’ ‘Authentic no.55’)
With thanks to EC Tubb, Sidney J. Bounds, Ernest (ER) James, Philip Harbottle, Brian Ash, Philip E. High, Alan Hunter.
'Authentic', the last two issues - nos. 84 & 85 |
‘If you are a reader of discernment with an
imaginative mind…
If you are bored with the usual and thrill to
the different…’
(‘Authentic’ ad in no.81)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION SERIES no.1’ (1st Jan 1951 - 1/6d) Editor: ‘LG Holmes’ (Gordon Holmes Landsborough, 1913-1983). Technical Editor: HJ Campbell FCS FRHS MSCI ‘MUSHROOM MEN OF MARS’ by Lee Stanton (a Richard Conroy pseudonym). Cover by ‘DLW’. Published by HAMILTON & Co (Stafford) Ltd, 1&2 Melville Court, Goldhawk Rd, London W12
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION SERIES no.2’ (15th Jan 1951) ‘RECONNOITRE KRELLIG II’ by Jon J Deegan (a Robert Sharp pseudonym). Cover by ‘DLW’
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.3’ (1st Feb 1951) ‘GOLD MEN OF AUREUS’ by ‘Roy Sheldon’ (house pseudonym) plus editorial and projectiles (Letters to the Editor). Cover by DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.4’ (15th Feb 1951) ‘OLD GROWLER: SPACESHIP No.2213’ by Jon J Deegan (Robert Sharp) + editorial (Scientific Doldrums), Projectiles. Cover: DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.5’ (1 Mar 51) ‘SEVEN TO THE MOON’ by Lee Stanton (Richard Conroy), plus editorial (Operation Fantast) and Book Reviews (Max Ehrlich, Paul Capon, and “Interplanetary Flight” by AC Clarke). Cover: DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.6’ (15 Mar 51) ‘PHANTOM MOON’ by Roy Sheldon (HJ Campbell), plus Editorial, Letters, and science features - Quiz (Bill Byford), “Speaking of Atoms: No.1 in a series on Atomic Theory”, “Inside the Dome” by HJ Campbell, Science News, Books (Fred Hoyle’s “The Structure of the Universe”). Cover: DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.7’ (1 April 51) ‘ENERGY ALIVE’ by Roy Sheldon (HJ Campbell), Edit, Letters, Quiz, ‘Chemicus’, “The Voice Of Sol” (Campbell), Books. Cover: DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION FORTNIGHTLY no.8’ (15 Apr 51) ‘HJ Campbell’s WORLD IN A TEST-TUBE’, Letters from Ken Slater and Eric Bentcliffe, Quiz, “Atoms 3”, News. Cover: DLW
‘SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.9’ (15 May 51) ‘OLD GROWLER AND ORBIS’ by Jon J Deegan (Robert Sharp), Editorial announces ‘during the summer months ‘Science Fiction Fortnightly’ is to become ‘Science Fiction Monthly’… until September’, Fanzines Walter Willis’ ‘Slant’, and mimeo ‘Wonder’, Letters, DLW cover. Brief review Asimov ‘I Robot’ and A Merritt’s ‘Dwellers In The Mirage’
(10) ‘SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.10’ (15 Jun 51) ‘MAN, WOMAN - AND ANDROID’ by George Hay, Edit, Letter from Walt Willis, final ‘Speaking Of Atoms’ by Chemicus, DLW cover
‘SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.11’ (15 July 51) ‘THE LAST MUTATION’ by HJ Campell, Letters (Alan Hunter), Fanzine Column (“Phantasmagria” review), DLW cover
‘SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no12’ (15 Aug 51) ‘TEN YEARS TO OBLIVION’ by Clem Macartney (aka ‘WD Flackes’), Letters, Editorial, Fanzines (“Operation Fantast”). Cover: DLW
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.13’ (15 Sept 51) ‘BEAM OF TERROR’ by Roy Sheldon (HJ Campbell). LG Holmes no longer listed as Editor, but HJ Campbell still Technical Editor. Cover: DLW
'Authentic Science Fiction no.13' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.14’ (15 Oct 51) ‘PLANET OF POWER (an ‘Old Growler’ story) by Jon J Deegan (Robert Sharp) + Books (Simak, DeCamp, Philip Wylie), DLW cover
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.15’ (15 Nov 51) ‘REPORT FROM MANDAZO’ by Lee Stanton (Richard Conroy), Letters (Hunter), Edit (‘When Worlds Collide’ movie), Books (Ray Cummings, John Wyndham’s ‘Day of the Triffids’). DLW cover
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.16’ (15 Dec 51) ‘THE MOON IS HEAVEN’ by HJ Campbell, Edit (‘Galaxy’ mag is dead !?), Book (AC Clarke ‘Exploration of Space’). DLW cover
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.17’ (15/1/’52) ‘COMING OF THE DARAKUA’ by FG Rayer + brief author-profile. Fanzine (Walt Willis/Bob Shaw’ ‘SLANT’ & Ken Bulmer/ AV Clarke’s ‘SCIENCE FANTASY NEWS’). Books (Bradbury ‘Silver Locusts’ -‘a stream of poetic prose’, Van Vogt ‘Voyage of the Space Beagle’, Clarke ‘Sands of Mars’ - ‘we were disappointed’). DLW cover
'Authentic SF no.17' & 'Authentic SF no.18' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.18’ (15/2/52) ‘CHAOS IN MINIATURE’ by HJ Campbell – ‘when the House of Commons disappeared on April 1st 1988, most people thought it was a pretty poor way of celebrating All Fools Day’, Fanzine (‘UTOPIAN’), Books (Coblentz ‘Sunken World’, Wolheim ‘Flight into Space’). Cover: DLW
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.19’ (15/3/52) Editor now listed as Derrick Rowles. ‘SPACE WARP’ by Roy Sheldon (House pseudonym), first Forrest J Ackerman American Column + profile. Books (F Brown ‘What Mad Universe’, Heinlein ‘Puppet Masters’, Ed Hamilton ‘Star Kings’). Cover: DLW
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.20’ (15/4/52) ‘EARTH OUR NEW EDEN’ by FG Rayer, Campbell’s ‘SF Handbook: Terms of interest to the Science Fictioneer’, Books (Sam Merwin ‘House of Many Worlds’). Cover: G ‘Vann’ Ratcliff
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.21’ (15/5/52) ‘ALIEN IMPACT’ by EC Tubb, ‘Special Convention Issue’ with ‘British Fandom’ Guide, Hugo Gernsback tribute, cover by Gordon C Davies
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.22’ (15/6/52) ‘MICE OR MACHINES’ by HJ Campbell. Books (EF Russell ‘Sinister Barrier’, Hugo Gernsback ‘Ralph 124C41’ –‘astounding flights of controlled imagination’). Cover: Gordon C Davies
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.23’ (15/7/52) ‘THE SINGING SPHERES’ by Jon J Deegan (Robert Sharp) – return of ‘Old Growler’, R Dunn poem, ‘Operation Fantast: Fan Service’ ad, Gordon C Davies cover
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.24’ (15/8/52) ‘AFTERMATH’ by Bryan Berry + brief author-profile, Projectiles (Lee Harding letter), Books, Gordon C Davies cover
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.25’ (15/9/52) ‘THE PLASTIC PERIL’ by Roy Sheldon (HJ Campbell) – return of ‘Shiny Spear & Dirk Manners’. Cover: J Pollack
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.26’ (15/10/52) ‘MARTIANS IN A FROZEN WORLD’ by Rick (Richard) Conroy, “Frontier Legion (Part One: ‘Destination Pluto’ of first serial)” by Sydney J Bounds + author-profile, Books (Ray Bradbury “Illustrated Man”, Willy Ley). Cover: J Pollack
'Authentic Science Fiction nos. 26 & 27' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.27’ (15/11/52) ‘STAR OF DEATH (Shiny Spear)’ by Roy Sheldon, Bounds pt.2, fanzines (Walt Willis ‘HYPHEN’) cover by Gordon C Davies
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION no.28’ (15/12/52) HJ Campbell now Editor rather than Technical Editor. Derrick Rowles last listed in no.22 ‘WE CAST NO SHADOW’ by FG Rayer, plus ad for launch of Hamilton’s SF Library Series – HJ Campbell (“Beyond the Visible”) and Bryan Berry (“Born in Captivity”), cover by Gordon C Davies
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.29’ (15/1/53) ‘IMMORTAL’S PLAYTHINGS’ by William F Temple (novel), Ray Bradbury (“Welcome Brothers”), SJ Bounds (serial pt.4), AC Clarke (‘Is There Too Much’-article), Forest J Ackerman (‘American Commentary’), SF Handbook, Fanzine Reviews, Projectiles (Reader’s Letters) Cover: Vann, inner art: Richards Fischer Davis Back-page photo ‘Dream Of The Stars’. Insert announces launch of ‘SCIENCE FICTION BOOK CLUB’, plus ad for Alan Hunter’s 1953 SF Calendar
'Authentic Science Fiction no.30' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.30’ (15/2/53) ‘LADY OF FLAME’ by SJ Byrne (novel), RM Rhodes (“Dangerous Power”), FJ Ackerman (“What An Idea !”), SJ Bounds (pt.5) + “Not So Simple” Guest Article by John Beynon (Wyndham) and anthology reviews of Carnell’s ‘No Place Like Earth’ and Healy/McComas’ ‘Adventures in Time And Space’ Cover: Richards + inner art: Fischer Davis
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.31’ (15/3/53) ‘THE ROSE’ by Charles L Harness (novel), E Everett Evans (“Never Been Kissed”), SJ Bounds (pt.6), William F Temple (“Science And Censor” article on SF Movies), SF Handbook, review of Asimov (“Currents Of Space”) Cover: Richards + inner art: Fischer Davis
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.32’ (15/4/53) ‘CRY CHAOS!’ by Dwight V Swain (novel), AE Van Vogt (“Haunted Atoms”), RM Rhodes (“The Toy”), Rick Conroy (“Manna From Heaven”), John Christopher (“SF Under A Cloud” article attacking sex in SF), ‘The Solar System : Sol’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.33’ (15/5/53) ‘MIND WITHIN MIND’ by William F Temple (novel), Ray Bradbury (“Asleep In Armageddon”), L Major Reynolds (“Holes Inc”), Bryan Berry (“Ancient City”), Albert Hernhuter (“Only Human”), Jack Ramstrom (“How They Landed”), E Everett Evans (“Science Without Tears” article), ‘Our Queen & The Convention’ (Coronation in the Age of Science). Books (Pangborn ‘West Of The Sun’, Bradbury ‘Golden Apples Of The Sun’) Back cover plate: ‘Spaceways’ movie still
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.34’ (15/6/53) ‘A MAN NAMED MARS’ by Rog Phillips (novel), JF Burke (“Cancel Tomorrow”), AJ Merak (“Ultimate Species”), Kris Neville (“Old Man Henderson” + “Passing The Torch” article), Solar System: Mercury, Film Review of ‘War Of The Worlds’ + back-page movie still. Cover: Davis Inner art: Fischer, Davis, Mallory
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.35’ (15/7/53) ‘TONIGHT THE SKY WILL FALL’ by Daniel F Galouye (novel), Frank Quattrocchi (“Sword From The Stars”), Rick Conroy (“Eve Hated Adam”), Dan Morgan (“Home Is Tomorrow”), Bryan Berry (“Widening Gulf” article attacking Fantasy), Solar System: Venus, Fanzine reviews. First ‘From Earth To The Stars’ cover-series by Davis
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.36’ (15/8/53) ‘MY NAME IS OZYMANDIAS’ by Martin Jordan (novel), Bryan Berry (“The Tree”), John Christopher (“Planet Of Change”), Eric Storm (“Lone Wolf”), JF Burke (“Loneliest World”), Solar System: Earth, 11th World-Con report, SF Handbook, Projectiles. Books (GR Stewart ‘Earth Abides’ etc)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.37’ (15/9/53) ‘THE ADAPTABLE MAN’ by Bryan Berry (novel), Charles Eric Main (“Repulsion Factor”), Jon J Deegan (“Beyond The Barrier”), Alan Hunter - Amateur Fiction Competition Winner (“The Piper”), Brindley Ford (“The Shining Ark”) Solar System: Mars, From Earth To The Stars-3, Fanzines. Books (Judith Merril)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.38’ (15/10/53) ‘OLD MAN OF THE STARS’ by JF Burke (Novel), EC Tubb (“Conversation Piece”), Arthur Sellings (“The Haunting”), Brindley Ford (“Relativity”), John Faulkner (“A Brainy Affair”), Macleod Robertson - competition Runner-up (“Megalocosmos”) Solar System: Asteroids, Fanzines, ‘Mutations’ (Campbell Science Feature). Books (HJ Campbell’s ‘Tomorrows Universe’ anthology, CE Maine, Wyndham ‘The Kraken’, ‘Lauries Space Annual’)
'Authentic SF nos. 39 & 40' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.39’ (15/11/53) ‘SUBTLE VICTORY’ by EC Tubb (novel), Charles Eric Maine (“Highway”), John Christopher (”Blemish”), David Wilcox - comp (“Transition”), Brian Aldiss - FIRST SF PUBLICATION (‘Now Consolidate’ - long SF-history letter) ‘Brainwaves’ (Science), ‘Jupiter’. Books (‘Paul French’ ‘David Starr: Space Ranger’)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.40’ (15/12/53) ‘THE BEST LAID SCEME’ by Kelvin Strike (novel), Dan Morgan (“Amateur Talent”), M Dogge (“The Inner Worlds & My Uncle”), JF Burke (“For You, The Possessed”), Martin Jordan (“Cuckoo”), AP Kift - comp (“Go To The Ants”), ‘Saturn’, ‘ESP’ (science)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.41’ (15/1/54) ‘THE PHOENIX NEST’ by Richard deMille (novel), E Everett Evans (“Fly By Night”), CE Maine (“The Boogie Matrix” + ‘STF Plotting in 3D’ movie feature), JF Burke (“The Censors”), Katherine Marcuse (“21st Century Mother”), Frank Quattrocchi (“Hids Game”), ‘Uranus’, ‘Possible Life-Forms On Other Planets:1’ (science - Campbell), ‘Donovans Brain’ (Movie review - Campbell), Fanzines, Books (‘Demolished Man’ by Bester, Sam Merwin Jr, ‘The Syndic’ by CM Kornbluth + Non-Fiction ‘Flying Saucers Have Landed’ by George Adamski)
'Authentic SF nos. 42 & 43' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.42’ (15/2/54) ‘HIDDEN SHEPHERDS’ by Bryan Berry (novel), John Christopher (“Aristotle”), William S Kals (“Top Secret”), Leonard Pruyn (“In Time Of Sorrow”), HB Hickey (“Process”), ‘Neptune’, ‘March Of Science’, Fanzines (Walt Willis ‘Hyphen’), ‘Chemical Analysis At Home:1’ (science), Books (‘The Humanoids’ - Jack Williamson, ‘Shadow On The Hearth’ - Judith Merril, ‘Man In Space’ non-fic)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.43’ (15/3/54) ‘TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY’ by K Houstom Brunner (novel), WF Temple (“Errand Of Mercy”), Jonathan Burke (“Stand-In”), Richard Wilson (“Mary Hell’s”), FG Rayer & ER James (“The Lava Seas Tunnel) + ‘Possible Life-Forms On Other Planets:3’ (Campbell), ‘Pluto’, ‘March Of Science’, ‘Chemical Analysis At Home:2’, Fanzines (‘Space Diversions’, ‘Andromeda’, ‘Space Times’), Books (“Unborn Tomorrow” by Gilbert Frankau) All art by Davis
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.44’ (15/4/54) ‘THE LEVER & THE FULCRUM’ by Alan Barclay (novel), Ken Bulmer (“First Down”), F Lindsley (“The Star Virus”), Len Shaw (“Forever Today”), Frank Quattrocchi (“Addict”) + ‘Harnessing The Sun’ (Solar Power), ‘March Of Science’, ‘Chemical Analysis pt.3’, Books (John Carnell “Gateway To Tomorrow”, AE Van Vogt “Weapon Makers”, JT McIntosh, Edgar Pangborn) All art by Davis
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.45’ (15/5/54) ‘SOME OTHER TIME’ by Kenneth Bulmer, EC Tubb (“Death Deferred”), George Paul Mann (“Third Hand”), Graham Winslow (“Dimensional Destiny”) + ‘On Writing SF’ (Brian Aldiss), ‘All About Comets’ (John Tayne), ‘Medical Progress by 2000AD’, ‘The Atomic Submarine’, ‘Logic Is Fun’, Great Man Of Science:1 Isaac Newton, Books (Asimov “Caves Of Steel”, Tubb “World At Bay”, Rolf (Bryan Berry) Garner ‘“Indestructible”, P Schuyler Miller, Henry Kuttner + William F Temple non-fic “The Book About Space Travel”), ‘Supermancon’ Con Report, Fanzines (Willis/Bob Shaw’s ‘Enchanted Duplicator’)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.46’ (15/6/54) ‘SAVIOUR’ by Bryan Berry, Ron Elton (“Outside Looking In”), Dan Morgan (“Psychic Twin”), MC Woodhouse (“The Higher Mathematics”), DR Davies (“The Merchants”) + ‘The Hydrogen Bomb’ & Great Men:2 Francis Bacon’ (Campbell), ‘Logic:2’ (Frank Wilson), ‘The Expanding Universe’, ‘Robots’, ‘Space Travel & The Law’, Fanzines, Books (“First Astounding Anthology”, Jon Deegan, Jonathan Burke)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.47’ (15/7/54) ‘STRANGER IN TIME’ by S Gordon, RC Wingfield (“The Mutilants”), Kenneth Bulmer as ‘Peter Green’ (“To Shake The Stars”), Richard Wilson (“Robot’s Gambit”), Anthony G Williamson (“The Day Of All Else”), Len Shaw (“The Bridge”), WB Johnson (“Tryst”) + John Tayne (“There’s Trouble In The Future” - ‘what are we going to do when coal runs out?’), GC Duncan (“Planet Farms”), ‘Aristotle’, ‘Logic:3’, Books (Clarke’s ‘Childhod’s End’, Heinlein’s ‘Green Hills Of Earth’, Bradbury’s ‘Fahrenheit 451’), Fanzines (‘Space Times’, ‘Triode’, ‘Orion’, ‘Hyphen no.8’), + ad for ‘AUTHENTIC BOOK OF SPACE’. Pagination reduced to 144 from 160-pages
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.48’ (15/8/54) ‘TABARNI DOCUMENT’ by Tom Carson, Harry Warner Jrn (“Recoil”), Veronica Welwood (“Last Journey”), TD Hamm (“Servant Problem”) + CV Jackson (‘Is There An Inventor In The House’), John Tayne (‘All About Evolution’), HJC (‘London Circle’ - about Globe Tavern SF nights, ‘John Stuart Mill’), ‘Logic:4’, Books (Jack Williamson ‘Dragons Island’ + WE Johns, anthologies and non-fic), Fanzines (‘i’) Last ‘From Earth To The Stars’ cover by Davis - ‘Our Starship At It’s Destination’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.49’ (15/9/54) ‘LOGIC’ by EC Tubb, Dan Morgan (“Forgive Them”), J Burke (“Asteroid Crusoe”), EE Evans (“Insomnia Cure”), Richard Wilson (“SF Story”), Edmund Cooper (“Jar Of Latakia”) + WW Byford (“Space & Mt Newton”), Peter Summers (“Brain & Body”), Frank Wilson (“Ways Of Science”), ‘Galileo’, Fans (‘Liverpool SF Soc’ report, ‘Super-Mancon’ & zines ‘BEM’, Don Allen’s ‘Satellite’, Harlan Ellison’s ‘Dimensions’, ‘Andromeda’ etc), Books (Henry Kuttner ‘Mutant’) Inner illo by Mendoza, new Davis cover series ‘Mercury: World Of Heat’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.50’ (15/10/54) ‘IT TAKES TWO’ by HK Bulmer, EC Tubb (“Hidden Treasure Of Kalin”), GC Duncan (“One Hour”), SM Lane (“Won’t Power”), KE Smith (“The Kid”) + ‘Prof Delwood’ (‘Expanding Universe’), Peter Summers (‘Brain & Mind’), WW Byford (‘Back To Go Forward’), ‘Albert Einstein’, Fans (‘Nor-West SF Club’ + ‘Phantasmagoria’, ‘Femizine’), Books (‘Star SF Stories’, Frederick Brown’s ‘Project Jupiter’) Illo: Mendoza Cover: Davis ‘Through The Sand-Storms Of Venus’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.51’ (15/11/54) ‘THE ENVIED’ by Jonathan Burke, Sydney J Bounds (“It’s Dark Out There”), Clifford C Reed (“Jean-Gene-Jeanne”), Peter J Hazell (“The Blackdown Miracle”) + science features by Prof Delwood, Frank Wilson, George Duncan (on Huxley’s ‘Doors Of Perception’ & LSD-25 !!!), WW Byford, Books (Leigh Brackett’s ‘The Starmen’, JT McIntosh ‘One In 300’, Philip Wilding & ‘Paul (Asimov) French’), Fans (‘Satellite’, ‘Triode’) Cover: Davis ‘Mars’. ‘AUTHENTIC BOOK OF SPACE’ insert leaflet
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.52’ (15/12/54) ‘STAR HAVEN’ by EC Tubb, Dan Morgan (“Cleansing Fires”), Lionel Brooks (“A Date With The Past”), SJ Bounds (“John Brown’s Body”) + science by Joy K Goodwin, WW Byford, HJ Campbell, Thomas Bond (Pt.1 of ‘Planetary Exploration’ series). Fanzines (Ron Bennett’s ‘Ploy’, Walt Willis/Bob Shaw’s ‘Hyphen’) Books (Heinlein ‘Starman Jones’, AC Clarke non-fic ‘Young Traveller In Space’) Inner Art: Mortimer Cover: Davis ‘Jupiter The Flaming Giant’
'Authentic SF no.53' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.53’ (15/1/55) ‘WITHOUT LOVE’ by Rick Strauss, John Christopher (“Conspiracy”), Martin Jordan (“Present From Mars”), WH Boore (“Playing With Time”), Peter E Rigby (“Parting”), Forrest J Ackerman (“The Mute Question”), Anthony Sheppard (“Old School Tie”) + science from WW Byford, Frank Wilson (“How To Make A Bug-Eyed Monster”), EC Tubb (“Suppose You Met A Man In A Flying Saucer”), Thomas Bond, HJ Campbell. Fans (Alan Burns & Don Allen, ‘Bem’, ‘Phantasmagoria’) + 16pp ‘Art Supplement’ insert. Books (AC Clarke ‘Expedition To Earth’, Jonathan Burke ‘Pattern Of Shadows’, juveniles by Richmal Crompton, ME Patchett & Carey Rockwell, non-fic by Prof AM Low) Cover: Davis ‘Saturn’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.54’ (15/2/55) ‘THE LESSER BREED’ by Dan Morgan, WF Temple (“Man In A Maze”), EC Tubb (“Non Entity” and as ‘Eric Wilding’ “Death Wish”), Katherine Maclean & Michael Porjes (“The Prize”) + science by Campbell, Byford, Art Insert (‘Moon Base’, ‘Flying Saucers’). Books (Chad Oliver ‘Shadows In The Sun’, Charles Chilton ‘Journey Into Space’, Paul Capon ‘Down To Earth’, ‘Kemlo’ non-fic on Verne). Fans (Don Allen’s ‘Dizzy’, Tubb/Bulmer’s ‘i no3’) Letter from Harlan Ellison. Cover: Davis ‘Outer Planets’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.55’ (15/3/55) ‘ORDEAL’ by H Ken Bulmer, Len Shaw (“The Silver Box”), Katherine Marcuse (“The Holiday”), EC Tubb (“Murder Most Innocent” & as ‘Alice Beecham’ “Lover, Where Art Thou?”), John Carter (“By Whose Hand ?”) + science by ‘HJC’, WW Byford (‘The Divine Wind’), Joy K Goodwin (‘Xerography’), John Tayne. Art Insert (‘Wanted: Men For Space’, ‘Plane Of The Future’) Books (EE Smith ‘Triplanetary’ + Patrick Moore ‘The Frozen Planet’ fic & non-fic). Cover: John Richards ‘Scenes From The Future’
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.56’ (15/4/55) ‘STRANGE SUICIDE’ by Bryan Berry, Ron Paul (“Blue Rose”), Jonathan Burke (“Personal Call”), EC Tubb as ‘George Holt’ (“Brutus”), George C Duncan (“Symbiosis”) + science Prof AM Low (‘Transport Of Tomorrow’), Douglas F Chatt (‘The Electronic Brain’) + Art supplement. Books (CE Maine ‘Timeliner’, WF Temple ‘Martin Magnus’, JT McIntosh ‘World Out Of Mind’ + ERB & CS Lewis re-issues) Future Transport Cover: Stewart
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.57’ (15/5/55) ‘THE BIG HOP Pt.1’ by JT McIntosh, EC Tubb as ‘Julian Carey’ (“Repair Job”), Brian W Aldiss (“Pogsmith”), Dan Morgan (“Kwakiutl”), John Ashcroft (“Otherwise”), John Kippax (“Down To Earth”), Lyn Venable (“Parry’s Paradox”) + science by Wilson, Byford, AM Low (Health & Medicine), John Law (Meteors), Kathleen Downe (Women in Space) Books (SJ Bounds ‘The Moon Raiders’, Heinlein) Future Heli-Travel Cover: John Richards
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.58’ (15/6/55) ‘THE BIG HOP Pt.2’ by JT McIntosh, Jonathan Burke (“Desirable Residence”), RW Balderston (“Time & Timothy”), Robert Presslie (“Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted”), EC Tubb (“Ethical Assassin”), Aubrey Burl (“Travellers Tale”) + science by Tayne, AE Roy (on Von Braun), AM Low (Sport & Liesure) Books (John Christopher ‘The Year Of The Comet’, Kemlo, John Carnell anthology) Flying Saucer Cover: Stewart
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.59’ (15/7/55) ‘THE TROUBLE WITH MARS’ by Charles Eric Maine, Kenneth Bulmer (“The Day Of The Monster”), Len Shaw (“Holiday Task”), John Ashcroft (“Silk Petals Gone”), Barrington J Bayley (“Kindly Travellers”) + science by Prof AM Low (‘Food Of The Future’) ‘Kenneth Johns’ (alias for Kenneth Bulmer & John Newman on ‘Our Invisible Shield’), Tayne. Disney-TV ‘Man In Space’ photo-feature. Books (Tubb ‘Alien Dust’, Jonathan Burke ‘Alien Landscapes’, Rex Gordon, David Duncan, EC Elliott ‘Tas’). Future Submarine Cover by Stewart
'Authentic SF nos. 60 & 61' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.60’ (15/8/55) New regular cover-blurb ‘The Magazine Of Tomorrow’. Now 160 pages for 2/-, Science Features move to front of magazine. ‘DECISION’ by EC Tubb, R Thompson (“Sauce For The Goose”), Jonathan Burke (“Let There Be Rain”), Anthony G Williamson (“A Hitch In Time”), GB Tait (“Down In Our Village In Somerset”), Ken Bulmer as ‘Peter Green’ (“Firecracker Fool”), GC Duncan (“Dishwasher”) + science by ‘Kenneth Johns’ Summers, Byford, Tayne, Roy, AM Low (‘Crime’) Books (George O Smith ‘Hellflower’, Edgar Pangborn, JY McIntosh, Silas Water ‘The Man With Absolute Motion’ & juveniles Kemlo and ‘Rocket Pilot’) Cover: Guided Missiles by Slater
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.61’ (15/9/55) ‘PRIVATE SATELLITE Pt.1’ by Jonathan Burke, Jerome S Mill (“Hour Of Zero”), EC Tubb (First ‘DUSTY DRIBBLE’ story “One Every Minute”), HK Bulmer (“Know Thy Neighbour”), Alan Burns (Competition Winner - “Citizen’s Rights”), Philip E High (FIRST SALE - “The Statics”), Alfred Hind (“Homo Twice Over”), Richard P Ennis (“The Lonely Ones”) + science from K Johns (on voice-activated digital computer ‘Audrey’), Tayne, Byford, AE Roy (Space Stations). Books (Ward Moore ‘Bring The Jubilee’, John Boland ‘White August’, Verne, Asimov non-fic & juvenile Philip Briggs) Cover: Missiles by Kirby
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.62’ (15/10/55) ‘PRIVATE SATELLITE pt2’ by Jonathan Burke, GM Feigen (“The Foundling Dummy”), EC Tubb (Dusty Dribble’s “That Zamboni” & as ‘Julian Carey “Blow The Man Down”), Sydney J Bounds (“Time For Murder”), Leslie Davies (“Showpiece”), Bob Shaw (FIRST APPEARANCE – “Departure”), Robert Presslie (“A Star Called Tommy”), Jack Lewis (“Spaceborn”) + science. Books (Arthur C Clarke ‘Earthlight’, Frederic Brown, CM Kornbluth ‘Not This August’, Philip K Dick ‘Handful Of Darkness’ & ‘John Robert Haynes’ - who is Philip Wilding ‘Scream From Outer Space’) Cover: Guided Missiles by DA Stowe
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.63’ (15/11/55) ‘THE LADY AND THE BULL pt.1’ by JT McIntosh, Don Carriway (“The Man Who Said Xiipxertilly”), EC Tubb (“The Shell Game” and as ‘Eric Wilding’ “Unwanted Eden”), Martin Jordan (“Rondo In Time”), Ken Bulmer (“Come To Prestonwell”), Len Shaw (“Wedding Bells For Sylvia”). Science by AE Roy (‘The Way To The Planets pt.5’), WW Byford (‘Modern Metals pt.4’), ‘Triona Law (‘Desirable Residence 1995’). Books (Asimov ‘End Of Eternity’) Cover: Stowe
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.64’ (15/12/55) ‘THE LADY AND THE BULL pt.2’ by JT McIntosh, Alex Morrison (“Star Mania”), Ken Bulmer as ‘H Philip Stratford’ (“Time Travel Business”), Jonathan Burke (“Job Analysis”), Anthony G Williamson (“Just One Way Home”), EC Tubb (“Venus For Never”), John Kippax (“Mother Of Invention”). Science by AE Roy, WW Byford, ‘Kenneth Johns’, Triona Law. Books (Leigh Brackett ‘The Long Tomorrow’, Pohl & Kornbluth ‘The Space Merchants’ + juveniles by WF Temple, Capt WE Johns). Cover: Stowe
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.65’ (15/1/56) Last issue edited by HJ Campbell. With ‘THE CREEP pt.1’ by Robert Presslie, EC Tubb (Dusty Dribble story “Mistake On Mars”), Katherine Marcuse (“Children Should Be Seen”), Barrington Bayley (“The Reluctant Death”), Len Shaw (“The Phoenix Treatment”), Helen M Urban (“Heart Ache”), Sydney J Bounds (“Leave”), AG Williamson (“Duet For Two”), John Kippax (“Again”), Graham Winslow (“The Room”) + science by Prof AW Low (‘The Adventure Of Space’), Peter Summers (‘Free Will?’), ‘Space Academy’. Books (Maine ‘Crisis 2000’+ AC Clarke non-fic). Cover: Ken Woodward
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.66’ (15/2/56) First Edited by EC Tubb (with his Dusty Dribble story “Asteroids” + as ‘Anthony Blake’ “When He Died”, ‘Frank Winnard’ “First Impression” & ‘Ken Wainwright’ “Sleeve Of Care”), HK Bulmer (“The Old Firm”), John Brunner (“Nuisance Value”), Robert Presslie (“The Creep pt.2”) + science by Kenneth John. Int Fantasy Award results. Books (EE Smith ‘First Lensman’, Poul Anderson, Kemlo) Cover: Woodward - Planetariums
'Authentic SF no.67' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.67’ (15/3/56) EC Tubb (“A Woman’s Work” + as ‘Carl Moulton’ novelette “MAN IN BETWEEN”, ‘Alan Innes’ “The Long Journey” & ‘Anthony Blake’ “Tailor Made”), Sydney J Bounds (“Grant In Aid”), Robert Presslie (“Post Mortem”), Ron Paul (“Lonely Immortal”), Dan Morgan (“The Earth Never Sets”), Robert Lawson (Dr Blaise”), John Kippax (“Waif Astray”) + Kenneth Johns science, ‘DAN DARE SPACESHIP’ at 47s 6d !. Books (Clifford D Simak + Willy Ley, ‘There Is Life On Mars’ & Missing-Link ‘I Looked From Adam’ non-fic) Cover: Mortimer
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.68’ (15/4/56) JT McIntosh ‘THE DECIDING FACTOR’, Frank T Lomas (‘Secret Weapon’), Ken Bulmer (“Mr Culpeper’s Baby’ & as ‘Philip Stratford’ “According To Tradition”), EC Tubb (as ‘Julian Cary “Cure For Dreamers”, ‘Alan Innes’ “The Dilettantes” & ‘Alice Beecham’ “The Letter”), SJ Bounds (“Act Of Courage”), + science by HJ Campbell, ‘Kenneth Johns’, AE Roy. Books (PE Cleator etc) Letter in ‘Discussions’ from 14-year-old future SF publisher/activist Philip Harbottle! Cover: Free Fall by EL Blandford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.69’ (15/5/56) EC Tubb as ‘Douglas West’ ‘NUMBER 13’ (& ‘Alan Innes’ “The Spice Of Danger”), Ken Bulmer (novelette “Quarry”), Anthony J Williamson (“To Reach The Stars”), John Brunner (“Mowgli”), Jonathan Burke (“The Eve Of Waterloo”), JT McIntosh (“Safety Margin”) + science HJ Campbell, AE Roy (‘The Big Jump - The Way To The Planets pt.12”). Books (Frank Herbert ‘The Dragon In The Sea’ + juveniles Patrick Moore & Kemlo) Cover: R Is For Robot by JE Mortimer
'Authentic SF nos. 70 & 71' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.70’ (15/6/56) EC Tubb as ‘Ken Wainwright’ ‘THE BIG SECRET’ (+ as ‘Alice Beecham’ “Like A Diamond”), Ken Bulmer (as ‘H Phillip Stratford’ “The Hidden Power”), Chad Oliver (novelette “Let Me Live In A House”), William E Bentley (“Logical Elimination”), AM St Clair (“Lunar Bridge”), Robert Presslie (“Pilgrims All”), Veronica Welwood (“The Wilder Talents”). Science by Campbell, AE Roy (‘The Martian Enigma’). Books (CM Kornbluth, Arthur Sellings, EF Russell) Cover: Bladford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.71’ (15/7/56) ‘THE LITTLE CORPORAL’ by JT McIntosh, EC Tubb (as ‘Carl Moulton’ novelette “Wishful Thinking”, ‘Douglas West’ “Point Of View”, ‘Frank Winnard’ “Misplaced Person”), James Causey (“Exploiters End”), John Arkwright (“Harvest”), AE Van Vogt (“The Great Judge”), Stella Van Wood (“You Do Take It With You”). Science by Colin May, ‘Kenneth Johns’ (‘Balloons’). Books (Alfred Bester’s ‘Tiger Tiger’, August Derleth) Cover: Blandford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.72’ (15/8/56) ‘THE GIVE-AWAY WORLDS’ by EC Tubb (as ‘Julian Cary’), Jonathan Stones (“Reply Deferred”), James Causey (“So Lovely, So Lost”), Dan Morgan (“The Way I Am”), Mark Clifton (“Reward For Valour”), Robert Presslie (“Cat Up A Tree”). Science by WG Speirs & Colin May. Books (Lester Del Ray, juvenile ME Patchett ‘Send For Johnny Danger’, non-fic Patrick Moore ‘Guide To Mars’) Cover: Mortimer
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.73’ (15/9/56) ‘PROBLEM IN MURDER’ by HL Gold, Betsy Curtis (novelette “Of The Fittest”), ‘Douglas West’ (Tubb’s “Reward For A Hero”), JT McIntosh (“Katahut Said No”), Duncan Lamon (“Production Job”), AM St Clair (“No Way Back”), John Kippax (“We Are One”). Features: Kenneth Johns (“The Evolution Of Man 1”), Colin May (“Solar Power”), Books (Philip K Dick ‘World Of Chance’, Alan E Nourse ‘Trouble On Titan’, David Duncan ‘Another Tree In Eden’). Ad for ‘Aero Modeller’ magazine. Cover: Mercury by EL Blandford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.74’ (15/11/56, date adjusted) ‘ENEMY OF THE STATE’ by ‘Ken Wainwright’ (Tubb), JT McIntosh (“Tradition” novelette reprinted from ‘Other Worlds’ April 1952), Robert Presslie (“Lest We Forget”), ‘H Philip Stratford’ (Bulmer “Lucky Number”), Philip E High (“A Schoolroom For The Teacher”), HL Gold (“The Man With English” copyright Ballantine Books, 1953), John Ashcroft (“Blight”). Features: Kenneth Johns (“Evolution Of Man 2”), Walter G Speirs (‘Radio Astronomy’), Books (Arthur C Clarke ‘The City And The Stars’, Charles Eric Maine ‘Escapement’). Inner art: John Mortimer. Cover: Venus by EL Blandford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.75’ (December 1956) ‘FULFILLMENT’ by AE Van Vogt, HL Gold (novelette “No Charge For Alterations”), Philip E High (“The Collaborator”), Kenneth Bulmer (“Recreation” and as ‘H Philip Stratford’ “Wrong Impression”), Douglas West (“Legal Eagle”), SD Hill (“Affair Of Gravity”). Features: Kenneth Johns (‘Evolution 3), Walter G Speirs (‘Miniature Microscopy’), Books (James Blish ‘They Shall Have Stars’, Capt WE Johns ‘Now To The Stars’, ‘Jules Verne: Master Of Science Fiction’, Arthur C Clarke non-fic ‘The Coast Of Coral’). Inner art: John Mortimer. Cover: Moon by EL Blandford
'Authentic Science Fiction nos. 76 & 77' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.76’ (January 1957) ‘PRESTIGE’ by Kenneth Bulmer, Cleve Cartmill (novelette “You Can’t Say That”), ‘Julian Cary’ (EC Tubb’s “Combination Calamitous” and as Frank Winnard “Melly And The Martian” and as Alan Innes “We, The Brave”), HL Gold (“Hero”, 1939 Standard Magazines), Jonathan Burke (“Fashion Me A Dream”). Features: Kenneth Johns (‘Evolution 4’), Walter G Speirs (‘Miniaturisation’). Books (Leigh Brackett ‘The Sword Of Rhiannon’, Charles Chilton ‘The Red Planet’, John Boland ‘No Refuge’, John Wyndham ‘The Seeds Of Time’, ‘Best SF 2’ edited by Edmund Crispin). Inner art: JE Mortimer. Cover art: Jupiter by EL Blandford
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.77’ (February 1957) ‘THE RECUSANTS’ by Jonathan Burke, Kenneth Bulmer (novelette “Child’s Play”), Edward Mackin (“The Trouble With HARRI”). Philip E High (“Plague Solution”), A Bertram Chandler (“The Survivors”), John Kippax (“By The Forelock”), William E Bentley (“Silent Enemy”). EC Tubb’s introduction announces ‘a bigger, brighter, better’ magazine format from next issue. Features by Walter G Speirs (‘Time For Yesterday’), Kenneth Johns (‘The Evolution Of Man 5’), Rudolph Robert (‘Men Behind The Atom’). Books (Professor AM Low ‘Satellite In Space’, Claude Yelnick ‘The Trembling Tower’, John Christopher ‘The Death Of Grass’, plus ‘Calder Hall’). Cover: EL Blandford, Mars Orbital
'Authentic SF no.78' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.78’ (March 1957) New Format. New tagline ‘Action-Science-Romance-Adventure’. ‘DEAD WEIGHT Part 1’ by ‘Douglas West’ (Tubb, with cover art by Kirby), Isaac Asimov (novelette “Ideals Die Hard”), Duncan Lamont (“Melroso”), H Philip Stratford (Bulmer “Asymptote”), John Cotterill (“The Gentle Rain”), Nigel Lloyd (“Upstairs”). Features: Kenneth Johns (‘The Evolution Of Man Part 6’). Books by Alec F Harby (Denys Rhodes ‘The Eighth Plague’, William Tenn ‘Of All Possible Worlds’, Philip Wilding ‘Shadow Over The Earth’, Immanuel Velikovsky ‘Earth In Upheaval’). Ad for ‘The Solascope’, and ‘Fantast’. Inner art: Blandford and Kirby
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Philip E High cover-story for 'Authentic SF no.79' |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.79’ (April 1957) Modified tagline ‘Action-Science-Adventure’ ‘DEAD WEIGHT Part 2’ by ‘Douglas West’, Philip E High (novelette “Assassin In Hiding” with cover art by Blandford), Nigel Lloyd (“The Honest Philosopher”), William E Bentley (“Prophet Without Honour”), A Bertram Chandler (“They Blow Up”), John Kippax (“Salute Your Superiors!”). Features: Kenneth Johns (‘Evolution Of Man Part 7’), Books by Alec F Harby (William F Temple ‘Martin Magnus On Mars’, plus UFO ‘The Coming Of The Spaceships’). Ray Cummings Obituary. Ad for George Adamski ‘Flying Saucers Have Landed’. Inner art: Blandford, Adash, PR Green
Inner Spread from 'Authentic SF no.80" |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.80’ (May 1957) ‘DEAD WEIGHT Part 3’ by ‘Douglas West’ (cover art by Kirby), Robert Presslie (novelette “Trojan Horse”), JS Huegh (“Metamorphosis”), A Bertram Chandler (“Dark Reflection”), Nigel Lloyd (“Eve No Adam”), Philip E High (“Life Sentence”). Features: Kenneth Johns (‘The Evolution Of Man’ conclusion), Science (‘Cold Light’), Books by Alec F Harby (Hugh Walters ‘Blast Off At Woomera’, Ruthven Todd ‘Space Cat’, plus spiritualism). Inner art: Adash, PR Green
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.81’ (June 1957) ‘THERE’S ONLY ONE WINNER’ Short Novel by Nigel Lloyd (cover art by Kirby), Robert Presslie (novelette “My Name Is Macnamara”), ‘Ken Wainwright’ (Tubb “Grzdle”), Robert Silverberg (“Collecting Team”), Edward Mackin (“The Problem In Psionics”), John Cotterill (“The Last Old Maid”). Ad for book ‘Mr Adam’ by Pat Frank. Books by Alec F Harby (George Adamski ‘Flying Saucers Have Landed’ + ad., Donald E Keyhoe ‘The Flying Saucer Conspiracy’, Charles Eric Maine ‘The Isotope Man’, Theodore Sturgeon ‘Thunder And Roses’) . Inner art: PR Green, Adas
'Authentic SF' nos.82 & 83 |
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.82’ (July 1957) Novelettes: Brian W Aldiss (“What Triumphs?” aka “Visiting Amoeba”, cover-art by Kirby, inner art Adash), Nicholas Canadine (“No Greater Love”, art by PR Green), Isaac Asimov (“It’s A Beautiful Day”, art by Adash, reprinted from USA ‘Star Science Fiction Stories No.3’ in January 1955). Short Stories: Nigel Lloyd (“Patient Of Promise”), Robert Silverberg (“Song Of Summer”, art by PR Green), Robert Presslie (“Copy Cat”, art by Adash), Betram Chandler (“The Cage”). Ad for ‘British Glandular Products’. Books by Alec F Harby (Brian W Aldiss ‘Space Time & Nathaniel’, Pat Frank ‘Mr Adam’, Patrick Moore ‘Science And Fiction’ – also discussed in Tubb’s editorial + Walt Willis ‘The Harp Stateside’)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.83’ (August 1957) Novelettes: JT McIntosh (“Unfit For Humans”, art by Adash), Philip E High (“Topside”, Adash art), Jerome Bixby (“Nightride And Sunrise”, PR Green art). Short Stories: EC Tubb (“Food For Friendship”), A Bertram Chandler (“Mother Of Invention”, art by PR Green), Brian W Aldiss (“Out Of Reach”, cover-art by Kirby, inner art by Adash), Edward Mackin (“A Kind Of Immortality). Books by Alec F Harby (two fact-books about Space Travel, one about archaeology)
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.84’ (September 1957) Novelettes: Kenneth Bulmer (“Ambiguous Assignment”), Ron Lowam (“Second From The Sun”). Short Stories: Robert J Tilley (“Music Soothes The Throoby”), A Bertram Chandler (“And The Glory”, cover-art by Kirby), Robert Presslie (“Interrupted View”), James Evans (“Linda”), Philip E High (“The Ancient Enemy”). Books by Alec F Harby (Harold Mead ‘Mary’s Country’, Rene Ray ‘The Strange World Of Planet X’, EC Eliott ‘Kemlo And The End Of Time’ + ‘The Truth About Flying Saucers’). No new inner art
‘AUTHENTIC SCIENCE FICTION MONTHLY no.85’ (October 1957) Novelettes: Robert Presslie (“Star Tober”, poor cover-art by PR Green), Jon J Deegan (“The Lights Of Anker-Mo”, final ‘Old Growler’ story), Robert J Tilley (“Rolling Stone”). Short Stories: ‘H Philip Stratford’ (Bulmer’s “Vale!”), Ron Lowam (“Pride Of Possession”), D Wilcox (“The Wall”), GW Locke (“The Human Seed”). Article: Kenneth Johns ‘Quest For Tomorrow’. Books by Alec F Harby (Egon Larsen ‘You’ll See’ + Satellite and Rocket books). No ‘Forecast’ coming next issue box. Final editorial by Tubb announces ‘a mixed issue and, because of that, I feel a satisfactory one. Variety is always welcome and we certainly have variety…’
‘THE JET COMIC’ (January 1954, 6d) a one-off 28-page comic-book spin-off produced by Hamilton & Co, with cover-story ‘Jack Trent: Space Flyer’ on a nine-page exploratory voyage in the Starflash to the moons of Saturn, when he encounters a mummified Martian called Donaz. Also Ron Embleton’s ‘Captain Atom’, ‘Mogog The Mighty’ – a kind of Tarzan jungle-hero, and part one of ‘Space Survey’ with Rocky Granite on planet Skorda. There was never a no.2
‘AUTHENTIC BOOK OF SPACE’ (1954) 5/- Annual format edited by HJ Campbell, Foreword by Arthur C Clarke, colour plates reproduced from ‘Authentic Science Fiction’ with red-tint picture-strip of ‘Old Growler: Space Ship No.2213’ by Jon J Deegan, telling how Hartnell, Tubby and Pop visit Fellik, fourth planet of Vega. Text-fiction by William F Temple (“Explorers Of Mars”) ‘A tale of two boys who went to Mars and found it dull – at first’ (with John Richards art), Mary Dogge (‘The Blue Cloud’) ‘a story of the future’, Leslie A Crouch (‘Playmate’). Fact articles by Forrest J Ackerman (‘Death Rides The Spaceways’), Alan U Hershey (‘Hardships In Starships’), H Ken Bulmer (‘Our Friends The Aliens’), William F Temple (‘How Do You Say ‘Hello’ To A Martian?’), EC Tubb (‘Do You Want To Emigrate To Mars?’), HJ Campell with ‘A shortened version of a lecture given to the Cambridge University Interplanetary Society on ‘Possible Life-Forms On Other Planets’